Pat's Cheese Steak |
Where to start. Got up fairly early and took a hefty walk from my hotel off to check out the Rocky steps. Pretty cool, not just outside. As I get closer a couple of tour buses pull up and 75 school kids all go running up the stairs and doing their impersonation of Rocky at the top. I next grab a cab to go and get the Philly experience of a cheese steak at both Pat's & Geno's I personally liked Pat's the best but it was close. I now head on a search through the Italian market. Wow this place is great, I went into a cheese shop operated by De Bruno Bros, that every Friday night does a beer & cheese tasting with a local microbrewery. Wish I would have been in town because this was the coolest cheese shop I have ever seen.
one isle at Bella Vista Beer Distributors |
Next I'm off to find the subway and see if i cold find a beer to help digest the cheese steaks i just ate, I see this sign saying cold beer. So I venture over and stumble upon Bella Vista Beer Distributors the biggest beer store you will ever see. if you could take a small grocery store and fill it with cases of beer. At least ten rows with each row consisting of 50 - 60 different beers segregated by region, or country. They even had a nice Belgium room with tons of Belgians. This place would be my go to place if I lived there. I was now really beer so I ask the shop manager and he sends me off to my next estimation.
the first tasting platter |
The Devils Den a really cool beer bar about five blocks away. I tried a couple of there tasting platters both were really good with a nice selection, could have been served in different orders but i should know better. From what I have read this is the place to go in south Philly. Next I'm off to take in some pre game fun at McFaddens at Citizens Bank Park a short walk from the hockey game. Unfortunately their thoughts of a micro brewed beer was the local Yuengling the Penn version of Canadian or in other words shit. So I was stuck drinking Sierra Nevada Pale not bad but with the options. The rest of the night goes down hill from there with some Guinness, Long Hammer, Bud & Miller lite ( I know I wasn't paying). I don't remember much past that I just know I made my flight at 9:30 the next morning but was a hurting puppy. I saw a couple of nice looking beers at the Newark airport but was in no shape to give them a try. As I was walking back to get my luggage at Seatac I stumbled upon the Seattle Tap house near terminal B that looked great and will be on my list for my next trip through.
That's all for my Philly trip. Philly gets a bad rap as a rough and tumble city. It turns out it's a great city filled with tons of super friendly people, with great food and really good beer. A must see place for the foodie or beer geek.
I'm beginning to wonder if you ever made it out of Philly!