This year the en vogue beer seems to be the Pumpkin beer. Everybody is brewing one so I had to give a couple a shot. This is the first one I have tried and as a person who has a dislike for fruit beers I was quite surprised at how much I enjoyed this particular product. I had my first one on the last day of my Oregon vacation after a night where I had been to 3 different brewpubs and needed a night cap. Turns out I was beered out by the time I had back at the hotel. So when I saw this at the local store I picked up a four pack.
I t pours a yellowy brown color with a off white head that dissipates quickly. It has a warm spicy aroma that smells of mulling spice and malts. It packs a wonderful taste of cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg that warms you with thoughts of a cold afternoon having a cider or mulled wine except chilled. This will be a staple in my cooler next fall. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
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